Friday 22 November 2013

Interview with Grime star Kid Bookie

1. How long have you been in the music game? 
   Depends what you see as the music game, I been involved in music for ever, the game? About a couple years and I still don't see it as 'the game'

2.What artists did you grow up listening to?
 Eminem, Dot Rotten, Busta Rhymes.. Heavy metal heavier than a kick to the fucking chest.

3.If you could pick anyone dead or alive, who would you collaborate with

The Devil
and why?
Cause we could do wonderful things together 
4.what plans have you got for the future,
 To be as successful as fuck, law of attraction, success is a chance and string of luck away, keep grafting and ding ding, you know the rest.

And have you got any new material dropping soon?
 Evolution Part 2 featuring Samantha Mumba, Crooked I from Slaughterhouse, Kuniva from D12, Lady Leshurr, Scrufizzer & Dot Rotten  is the only single I care to push right now.
5.What was the last song you listened to?
 The sound of virgins crying themselves to sleep.

6.what advice would you tell people just starting music?
 Go through as much bullshit as you can, learn people, learn how to talk, be business minded and set out on your journey.
7. who do you prefer, Biggie or Tupac?
8. Do you believe in the Illuminati?
 Yeah, just not like everybody else would.

9.Do you feel that the scene is still on the rise?
 No, it's changing.

Follow Kid Bookie: @kidbookie

Friday 15 November 2013

Interview with grime artist - T

1. How long have you been in the music game?
"i started music when i was 15 messing around at mates houses on decks spitting drum and base, after a few years at around the age of 16/17 i started appearing on local pirate radio stations such as cydicuit FM, Demand UK, Original 978 & Emergency FM, this took me up to about 18/19. then i started listening to rap hip hop and grime, after experiementing with a few of my pals i started to make grime and rap music as i felt you could express yourself more with the slower BPM. leading up to around Jan 2013 i was in a group called SBR [strictly business recordinz] it consisted of me my pal Macca and one of the Dnb DJs i brought along for the ride called DJ Bonna.
between us we made around 50 different tracks ranging from grime to hiphop rap n dnb garage dubstep so forth,
 then at the start of this year i hooked up for a collab with my old pal FLEMZY a member of ODT enterprise. after we did the track he introduced me to BROLY, the boss if you like. he asked me to join the team so i did and since then i havent looked back."

2.What artists did you grow up listening to?
"coming from the drum and base scene i listend to artists such as EKSMAN & HERBZIE, SKIBADEE FUNSTA SHABBA DET but as i got older i lent towards rap n grime more and musical influences branch out to the likes of BIGGIE, 50 cent, Wiley, Skepta, Ghetto, Devlin."

3.if you could pick anyone dead or alive, who would you collaborate with and why?
"Devlin, 100% i feel his vibe that he brings with his music, fast technicle flows with killer delivery. 100% Devlin, failing that wiley as i would make a few quid as he is so commercial nowadays its unbelievable."

4.what plans have you got for the future, have you got any new materials dropping soon?
"I have My Latest EP THE TAKEOVER EP dropping on MIXTAPE on the 21st of November. this is a 3 part series with the first being grime focused, the second [THE TAKEOVER PART 2] more rap and hiphop focused which should be dropping late 2014 and the last in the series THE TAKEOVER IS COMPLETE will be a 12 track mixtape with totally orignial beats produced by my man down at YELLOW BRICK MUSIC, T-A-P. this will have everything from GRIME RAP HIPHOP CYBERHOP TRAP everything the whole package!
Along the way we[ODT ENTERPRISE] will be dropping some team tracks/freestyles and also have a few features on other artists tracks, but as for now i will keep there names a mystery as i don't want to kill the surprise"

5.What was the last song you listened to?
"The last song i listened to was SIGN OUT FLOW off my EP. its the last track before the bonus track and Features the leader of ODT himself BROLY on a quick 16 bar feature! its a nice close to the EP."
6.what advice would you tell people just starting music?
"I would say take as much advice as people will give you, everyone has there own ways of doing things but you can learn a lot from people who have already been there and done it
i would say stay true to yourself and only do what makes you happy. music is about freedom of speech and expressing yourself. not trying to be a carbon copy of what you think the majors want you to be.
. i would also say if you have talent holla ODT on twitter/facebook or anyway you can as we are starting to recruit the youngers for something mad, we will be focusing on bringing through the youth and keeping them off the streets and focusing there energy into making music. its a little project that me n Broly are half way through setting up as we speak."

7. who do you prefer, Biggie or Tupac?
"Honestly i have to say BIGGIE and this being a controversial subject that is all i will say lol"

8. Do you believe in the illuminati?
"no! have no interest in it and will never have an interest in it!"

9.Do you feel that the scene is still on the rise?
"i fell like what ODT enterprise as a group are doing at the min and have in the pipeline is very good for the scene and will hopefully bring grime back! i do feel that the market is over saturated at the min with everyone tryna spit bars and 'MAKE IT' but then i also believe that in time people will fall off and only the dedicated will remain pushing in the right direction"

some links to his music:


Clik Visuals - Coming up [OFF THE EP THE TAKEOVER] -

Clik visuals - ODT BBK freestyle feat JAMMER -

visuals - ODT - the reunion -

bluestreet media freestyle 2 -

bluestreet media freestlye -

Personal LINK'S

Saturday 2 November 2013

Quick Chat with Dell Harris

 Chat with Dell Harris - New album Chateaurap and his intriguing use of symbolism

1. How long did it take you to finish your album?

“the first song I did for the album was ‘Quiet Please’ and that was about a year ago and then I created the other half of the songs and finished up the last quarter of it right at the last minute. It took about  a year to do, but in terms of like, serious recording, it was more like six months”

2. Was it hard work?

it felt really natural because there was certain songs that I wrote, like for example I wrote three songs in one night and then just kept the best one out of the three. So yeah, it was just like natural shit like that. ‘Stackhouse’ came out particularly naturally along with three other songs in just one night and then like, Quiet Please I actually wrote but most of the songs I just freestyled. I would start by writing a couple bars in my head and then spit them to see how they flow, and if I  like them I would keep going and just add them up”

3. What made you call it Chateauraps?

“Well actually, a homie of mine was like doing a little video in my crib and AC just shot it on his iPhone and we were just fucking around. I had just been Rick James for Halloween and he saw it and I was like, sniffing flowers and stuff and he said ‘oh, its like chateau the movie’. I rented it on Netflix and I watched it and felt like it was just this French movie where they inherited this chateau and there from American and have no money and yet inherit this big it’s kind of excellence and “bootlegness” and in one, which is what my album is like."

4. Are there any artists you aspire to?

“my team is dope! Like, Villa, AC Slater and the whole party and we just collaborate and just push each other forward. Villa is actually a big reason to why a finished my album because he just came in at the last minute and just featured on a load of tracks and gave me inspiration to finish. My team is so strong, that I don’t have to look at artists that are like out there and think ‘I want to be like him’ or anything like that."

5. What music do you listen to day to day?

“ive been listening to a lot of Disclosure, but mainly I just play my teams EP’s and my own shit”

6. You mention Biggie and Tupac, are they an influence in your choice of career?

“If you don’t like them then you don’t like hip-hop,Simple."

7. What response have you received from your controversial album cover?

“Some people get angry over the whole illuminati thing, but most just appreciate it for the art that its meant to be. Coming from a black Masonic household, symbolism is something i grew up around and read about as a kid. Its something i'm genuinely interested in.”

8. Do you believe in music illuminati connections?

“No man, that shit is retarded. It’s a stupid notion to think the worlds underground power organisations want pop culture involved **laughs**”

9. What's next for you, UK?

“Yeah I would love to come to the UK, and I’m now in a position to travel so its definitely something I plan to do, even if I don’t have a big tour”

10. Are you aware of the UK grime scene?

"YEAH, I fuck with grime. Tempa T and giggs, that shit is dope! Although technically neither of them considers themselves true grime artists, and I would defiantly look to collaborate, but you have to be delicate because grime and hip hop are two separate art forms so you have to be careful to get the balance right"

11. Are your fans important to your career?

“Quiet please is trying to branch out and delve a little deeper into the music and that might have hit a new fan base if Soundcloud is anything to go by. But my fans are important, at the moment I have a very dedicated and specific fan base but I find my fans to be highly creative that helps me in my career”

Dell Harris's Album Chateauraps is available on iTunes:


Friday 1 November 2013

Question Time With Levi Roots

I, like many others around the country have fallen in love with the tasty sauce called “Reggae Reggae Sauce”. I decided to email Levi and ask him a few questions about his brand; however I was not expecting a reply because obviously he is a busy man. Amazingly I did manage to get a response from the man himself:

1.       “What made you go on Dragons Den? And have you found that boost to be crucial in your career?”

“I was approached by a producer of the show who saw me at a World Food event selling the sauce. I had never seen the show but I was told by my kids that a Rasta man could never go on TV and slay no Dragons! So I did it to prove them wrong! Going on the show was crucial for my career because I met my mentor – Peter Jones. He’s been a great friend and advisor and without him, I wouldn't have got on that first rung of the ladder.”

2. “How did you gauge the heat of your sauce to maximize it’s enjoyment for your customers as traditional Jamaican pepper sauces are very spicy?”

“I've been making the sauce for years so I have tweaked it along the way. I like spicy food and I know that there’s a growing trend for it so I worked hard to find the right balance.”

2.       “How has the company grown since its launch, and what ethos do you instill within your employees?”

“The company has grown greatly in financial terms but we are a very small company with few employees. We license the brand name to top manufacturers but insist on maintaining the integrity of the brand and what we stand for. It’s important to instill trust, honesty and respect in people I work with – when working with a small number of people, that’s really important.”

3.       “What products have you got lined up in the future?”

“We have a lot of plans for the future – we’re looking to launch the sauces overseas and have a number of new products in development. My new cookbook, Grill it with Levi (published by Random House) launched on 9th May – so look out for that!”

This guy clearly cares about his brand and sees the importance in connecting with his customers.  Just a side note: if you haven’t tried any of his products than you simply must! You can probably find it online if they don’t sell it where you live.